Originally delivered on 9/4/2023 8:00 am

SUBJECT: Hoover Notes September 4, 2023


Hoover Notes will be sent out weekly to help you keep track of important school community news and events.  New items will be bolded.  Links are blue.

We look forward to a fantastic 2023-2024 school year!

PTA News

Thank you to the 130 families and staff who have already joined the PTA!  You can join here.  We can't do this without you!

Buy Spirit Wear at school events to support PTA activities. Sales have already surpassed last year with $2,385 raised at the 6th Grade Parent Tea and Back to School Night!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the first PTA Spirit Night at Potomac Pizza.  The PTA offers Spirit Nights throughout the school year to raise funds for PTA activities and support local businesses.  Mark your calendar for future Spirit Nights on 9/13 at California Tortilla (Cabin John), 10/10 at Shake Shack (Cabin John) and 11/20 at Chipotle (Potomac Village).   

Link your Harris Teeter VIC card to the Together in Education program to earn money for Hoover.  Click here for more details.

Join the Hoover PTA Facebook Page for updates on PTA activities.

Contact Kimberly King, PTA President @ PresidentHooverPTA@gmail.com to find out how you can support the PTA's activities.  There are a number of Committee Chair positions open.  To see a complete list, click here.  

If you would like to support Hoover's wonderful staff, please consider buying something from their Amazon Gift Registry. Donations should be delivered to the "Gift Registry Address".

We haven't received contact information for transfer and new students to the Churchill cluster.  Please forward Hoover Notes to any new families that you know.  They can join our email list by contacting Cindy Chi, Vice President of Membership, at hooverptamembership@gmail.com.

Check out the Student Service Learning (SSL) page on the PTA website.  75 SSL hours are required to graduate.  One opportunity: MSI is looking for Youth Game Leaders.  Two more opportunities are listed under MCPS Community News.

Hoover News

Everything you need to know for the 2023-2024 school year is in Principal Dr. Kim's Summer Greetings.

Student Picture Day is on Monday, September 11.  Click here for more information.

The 8th Grade Parent Tea will be on Thursday, September 21 at 9 am. More information will follow in the next two weeks with a link for parents to sign up. 

Hoover's Theater Program is holding an interest meeting on Tuesday, October 17 at 7 pm. The flyer is available here.

MCPS Community News

MCPS Thursday Things to Know, August 31 provides information about a curriculum update for students in Grade 9, new communication tool to receive messages, athletic safety and watch a recap of the first day of school.

Watch the Welcome Back Video from the MCPS Superintendent and Board of Education President.

Read the latest edition of MCPS QuickNotes, which includes a calendar of events and MCPS news and information. 

Review the MCPS Parent Message on the Importance of Student Attendance.

Churchill's Boys' Varsity Soccer Team is looking for Ball Boys/Ball Girls for games this fall.  SSL hours are available. Sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f054cabae292-20231#/.

Churchill's Girls' Varsity Soccer Team is looking for Ball Boys/Ball Girls for games this fall.  SSL hours available. Sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0B45A4AF2EAAFE3-varsity


Week of September 4, 2023

9/4 - No School (Labor Day)

Week of September 11, 2023

9/11 - Student Picture Day

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