Student Service Learning is a Maryland state graduation requirement. 75 SSL hours are required to graduate. For more information and SSL opportunities, visit the MCPS SSL page, the Montgomery County Volunteer Center's website, and the PTA's SSL page. If you have questions, email Hoover's SSL Coordinator, Mrs. Triantis at Amalia_D_Triantis
SSL Opportunities:
1. The Climate Health Education Initiative (@climatehealthei on Instagram) aims to inspire youth to achieve sustainability and understand the intersection between climate change and planetary health concepts through educational programs. We offer workshops, after-school programs, and classes to students and last year we organized an environmental education program at Wayside Elementary School. We are looking for volunteers who are passionate about environmental education and public health. Any middle school or high school student (Grades 6-12) in Montgomery County Public Schools is eligible to join and earn SSL hours. For more information and to join, please fill out this short Google form:
2. Grades 6 -12 students and families are invited to attend this year’s Changemaker Workshop to learn how to take action to improve their communities. English: November 14, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM; Spanish: November 15, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM. Students will earn 2 SSL hours for attending. Learn more here.
3. Bake a dozen cookies for the Parent Meet & Greet. (See #3 PTA Action Items)