Originally delivered on 12/18/2023 8:00 am

SUBJECT: Hoover Notes December 18, 2023


Hoover Notes will be sent out weekly to help you keep track of important school community news and events.  New items are bolded.  Links are blue.

PTA News

This will be the last Hoover Notes this year.  We wish you a restful, healthy, and joyful winter break!

  1. We're collecting homemade holiday cookies for the staff holiday lunch on 12/21.  Please drop off cookies by Wednesday 12/20 to 11208 River View Drive, Potomac, MD.  SSL hours are available.  Email presidenthooverpta@gmail.com or text 301-528-0818 with any questions.
  2. There were two errors in the Reflections Winners list. Corrections are bolded.Literature: Anvita Bangalore (Grade 7), Rehan Van Dam (Grade 6), and Timothy Kao (Grade 6); Music Composition: August McFeatters (Grade 8);Visual Arts: Lilianne Acheson (Grade 8), Sreyam Sen (Grade 6), and Aileen Zhang (Grade 8); Special Artist: Maddox Stern (Grade 8).
  3. Save the dates for our 2024 fundraising Spirit Nights: 1/23 - Fire Wok (Potomac Village), 2/9 - Shake Shack (Cabin John), and 4/10 - Potomac Pizza (Potomac Village and Travilah). 
  4. International Night is coming to Hoover on 2/2.  Please join us in making this a success and sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080B48AAAC2FA57-46919036-hooverhttps://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080B48AAAC2FA57-46919036-hoover to represent your country with a table with items and foods representing your country and culture.  If you don't see your country listed, please sign up under "New Country" and put the country name and your information under the comments. 
  5. Save the date for a Parent Tea the morning of 1/26 (exact time TBD). Phyllis L. Fagell, a licensed clinical professional counselor, certified professional school counselor, and journalist will be discussing the 10 key skills kids need to thrive in middle school and beyond - and how parents can help.
  6. Join the PTA if you haven't already. We would love to get to 100% participation!
  7. Link your Harris Teeter VIC card to the Together in Education program to earn money for Hoover.  Click here for more details.
  8. Stay up-to-date with PTA activities when you join the Hoover PTA Facebook Page.
Hoover News
  1. Dr. Kim's December Message is available here.  
  2. Hoover is hosting a Student Leadership Summit on 12/20 to engage and foster student leadership.  
  3. The Media Center is looking for volunteers. Here is the link to sign up. Sign up is till the end of December. Volunteers will need to complete one module: Online "Recognizing Child Abuse and Neglect Training" via your MCPS Classroom/Canvas Account. You can read the user guide here. Questions? Contact Saumya Sharma-Bhardwaj at avi.guh@gmail.com.
  4. Buy yearbooks here.  You can purchase Yearbook Recognition Ads. The flyer has more information.
  5. Arts and crafts supplies are being collected for student projects. Please drop off donations in the Media Center.  
  6. At least 15-17 parent volunteers are needed each day for the 7th Grade Finance Park field trip on 1/22-1/24/24. The link to the MCPS site to volunteer is https://www.myja.org/parents/montgomery.   Parents can volunteer one or more days. Parents will get trained at Edison HS the morning of the trip.
  7. Registration for girls' soccer opens 1/29/24 at noon.
  8. The Science and Math Departments are celebrating STEM on 3/14/24 (Pi Day) from 5-7 pm. Parent volunteers are needed to present or run activities.  Please complete the Volunteer Google Form if you're interested.  They are also looking for new organizations to participate. If you or someone you know works with an organization like NOAA, NASA, Discovery, National Geographic or any other STEM related organization, or you know someone who works in a STEM related field, please contact Julie_a_Marsteller@mcpsmd.org
MCPS Community News
  1. MCPS Things to Know Thursday December 14 includes information about how your student can earn the Maryland Seal of Biliteracy, how to become a Summer RISE 2024 host, maintenance and operations job fair, bright spots this week and more!
  2. Read the latest edition of MCPS QuickNotes, which includes a calendar of events and MCPS news and information.
  3. Multiple elementary and middle schools in Maryland are among the best in the country, according to new rankings released by U.S. News & World. Montgomery County dominated the rankings with Herbert Hoover ranked #2 in the top 10 middle schools in Maryland!
Student Service Learning (SSL)

Student Service Learning is a Maryland state graduation requirement. 75 SSL hours are required to graduate.  For more information and SSL opportunities, visit the MCPS SSL page, the Montgomery County Volunteer Center's website, and the PTA's SSL page.  If you have questions, email Hoover's SSL Coordinator, Mrs. Triantis at Amalia_D_Triantis @mcpsmd.org.

SSL Opportunities:  

1. The Climate Health Education Initiative (@climatehealthei on Instagram) aims to inspire youth to achieve sustainability and understand the intersection between climate change and planetary health concepts through educational programs. We offer workshops, after-school programs, and classes to students and last year we organized an environmental education program at Wayside Elementary School. We are looking for volunteers who are passionate about environmental education and public health.  Any middle school or high school student (Grades 6-12) in Montgomery County Public Schools is eligible to join and earn SSL hours. For more information and to join, please fill out this short Google form: https://forms.gle/5R6c4whpstsxHfj37

Week of December 18, 2023

12/20    Hoover Student Leadership Summit

12/20    Deadline to drop off cookies for the Teacher Holiday Lunch 

12/22    Last Day Before Winter Break 

Week of December 25, 2023

Nothing scheduled 

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