Originally delivered on 5/6/2024 8:01 am

SUBJECT: Hoover Notes May 6, 2024


Hoover Notes will be sent out weekly to help you keep track of important school community news and events. New items are bolded.  Links are blue.

PTA News
  1. The last PTA General Membership Meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday 5/7 at 7 pm on Zoom. Please fill out this form if you plan to attend.  The Zoom link is available here.
  2. Thank you to Edith Deng, Golru Ghaffari and Anne Glynn for serving on the Hoover PTA Nominating Committee.  The Committee will be putting forward the following slate for officers for the 2024/2025 school year for a General Membership Vote on 5/7:
    Board Position                      Nominee
    President                             Marlan Laurenzi
    Exec Vice President               Shila Mashhadishafie
    VP of Membership                 Cindy Chi
    Treasurer                             Kun Xu
    Recording Secretary              Meaghan LeNard
    Corresponding Secretary        Karla Romero
    MCCPTA Delegate                 Martin Stuermer
    MCCPTA Delegate                 Soumya Sengupta 
  3. There are committee and event positions still available.  Interested parents should email Anne Glynn at anne.glynn@gmail.com.
  4. The last two fundraising PTA Spirit Nights are at Shake Shack on 5/8 and Chipotle on 6/5.  Click on the links for locations, times, and more details.
  5. The PTA is collecting baked goods for staff appreciation week. Please drop off at 11208 River View Drive, Potomac (NOT to Hoover) by 5/8.  SSL forms are available at drop off for student bakers. Email presidenthooverpta@gmail.com with any questions.
  6. Staff appreciation items are also available for purchase on the Hoover Staff's Amazon Wishlist. Items should be delivered to the "Gift Registry Address" at 11208 River View Drive, Potomac, MD 20854.
  7. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to help with outdoor recess. Please consider signing up here for future Fridays.  We need to have at least 3 parents per grade or recess will not happen. Be sure to call the main office at 301-968-3740 before going to the school to confirm that recess has not been cancelled because of staffing shortages and/or weather.
  8. Link your Harris Teeter VIC card to the Together in Education program to earn money for Hoover. Click here for more details.
  9. Stay up-to-date with PTA activities when you join the Hoover PTA Facebook Page.
Hoover News
  1. Dr. Kim's April Message is available here.  Important information about testing dates (Slide 5), extracurriculars, and end of year activities are provided.
  2. Mrs. Deboy is looking for newspapers for art projects.  Please drop off newspapers in a bin in her classroom.  Email Mrs. Deboy at Barbara_L_Deboy@mcpsmd.org with any questions. 
  3. Save the Date for Hoover's Community Equity Night on 5/16 from 5-7 pm. More details will be shared soon.
  4. Hoover's Career Expo Night will be on 5/30 from 5-7 pm. Click here for the flyer which advertises the event and includes a QR code to recruit presenters.
  5. Hoover's Music Department is holding a Krispy Kreme donuts fundraiser. You can donate here. Donors will receive an e-certificate for Krispy Kreme donuts. This link will be open until 6/13.
  6. Churchill HS is offering two WCHS Local Summer and Prep Program opportunities for rising 9th graders. Click here for more information.
  7. Please use turn signals when entering and exiting the Hoover parking lot at drop off and dismissal. This will help Hoover's Security Staff better direct the flow of traffic.  
  8. Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped in the Media Center this year.  
MCPS Community News
  1. The May 2 MCPS 5 Things to Know provides information about graduation season, upcoming special education resource fair, this year's teacher of the year, parent academy resources, where you can take your student during the upcoming school day off, an opportunity to learn more about traffic and pedestrian safety, good news and much more! 
  2. Read the latest edition of MCPS QuickNotes, which includes a calendar of events and MCPS news and information.
  3. Winston Churchill's Sports Information Open House for incoming students and parents is scheduled for 5/29 from 6:30-7:30 pm. Click here for more details.
  4. Nominations are needed for Churchill Cluster Coordinators for the upcoming school year (2024-2025).  Up to three coordinators can represent the Churchill Cluster.  Past PTA Presidents as well as those who are interested in education advocacy and policy serve as excellent candidates. Candidates must have served on a PTA Board in any role and be current dues paying PTA members. Questions? Contact Susan Lifsey, Winston Churchill Cluster Coordinator at susanlifsey@gmail.com.
Student Service Learning (SSL)

Student Service Learning is a Maryland state graduation requirement. 75 SSL hours are required to graduate.  For more information and SSL opportunities, visit the MCPS SSL page, the Montgomery County Volunteer Center's website, and the PTA's SSL page.  If you have questions, email Hoover's SSL Coordinator, Amalia Triantis at Amalia_D_Triantis@mcpsmd.org.

Week of May 6, 2024

5/5-5/8     Drop off baked goods for Teacher Appreciation Week

5/6-5/10   Teacher Appreciation Week

5/7    Last PTA General Membership Meeting, 7 pm (Zoom)

5/8    PTA Spirit Night at Shake Shack (Cabin John location), 10:30 am-9:30 pm

5/10  Friday Outdoor Recess (sign up to volunteer here)

Week of May 13, 2024

5/16  Hoover's Career Expo Night, 5-7 pm

5/17  Friday Outdoor Recess (sign up to volunteer here)

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